Friday, December 28, 2012


We made it back safe and still pregnant to Nashville after the Christmas holiday.  We had a nice time in Montana.  Mike got to go skiing, and I did a lot of relaxing.  

I had an ultrasound and consult with my doctor yesterday.  The fluid has finally stabilized; hopefully will stay that way after today, when I stop taking the Indomethacin...YIKES!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


So, my Indomethacin doesn't seem to be doing a good enough job.  My fluid is still increasing; it is now 36 cm.  This probably explains why I am getting short of breath again and why I couldn't sleep last night.  I can't imagine what it would be if I wasn't on the medication, though.  I don't want to think about it, because I can only take it for another week.  After that, who knows how much fluid will start building up, so I may need an amniocentesis to drain some of the fluid if it starts affecting my breathing too much.  The doctors will be monitoring the fluid weekly.  

While my contractions seem to be less, I am still having too many, so the day after I stop taking the Indomethacin, I will start taking Procardia, which will hopefully help prevent preterm labor.  My cervix appears to be stable, so that is probably the best news.  

The doctors approved me to travel home to Montana for the holidays, so that is good.  I imagine the flight will be pretty uncomfy, so I am not looking forward to the traveling part of Christmas at all, but I am really looking forward to seeing my family.  

Sunday, December 16, 2012


I have been taking indomethacin since Friday,and I think it is already starting to work.  My contractions don't seem to be as frequent, and there is a little more give in my belly, which makes me feel more comfortable, AND I can sleep again!!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


We had another ultrasound and OB consult today.  Priya is measuring 3 weeks ahead and is growing in the 96%.  My amniotic fluid is at a worrisome level, excessive.  My cervix is still closed, but a tiny bit shorter, 2.4 cm.  I have been having what I thought were normal Braxton Hicks contractions, but the OB thinks I am having them due to all the pressure I have from the amnioitc fluid.  They are painless contractions every 2 minutes.  So, tomorrow I start taking a drug that is supposed to help my uterus relax and hopefully cause Priya to have less urine output to decrease the amniotic fluid. The only problem is that I can only take this for approximately two more weeks, otherwise it could cause problems with her ductus arteriosis.  So, things might get crazy after 27 weeks if things go back to the current status quo.

We also met with the neonatologist, who was awesome.  She did paint what I feel to be a more realistic picture of what we can expect after Priya is born.  The information was pretty overwhelming.  No one wants to hear about IVs, intubations, various therapies/interventions, PICC lines, prolonged medical stays and all the medical stuff associated with possible complications.  She was encouraging, yet up front about obstacles with prematurity, omphaloceles, and BWS--all scary to me.  The neonatologist is also the first person to seriously refer to C-section, which is what I have just assumed would be what would happen in the end.  All the other docs have just kept telling me a vaginal delivery is always best, and if baby gets too big, then we will discuss cutting her out then.  I kept thinking, IF she gets too big?  Look at me!  Look at baby!  BWS!!!  I told the neonatologist that no one would discuss it much with me yet, and she just looked at me with a serious look and said, "You WILL be having a c-section."  The goal for now is to make it to at least 34 weeks, and every week after that is a huge bonus for baby.

We ended the day with a tour of the NICU, and for some reason, this is where I had my meltdown after digesting all the info the neonatologist gave us.  It was brief though. I figure those NICU nurses will see plenty of that in the days to come, so I didn't let it bother me too much. 

Mike is being a trooper, but I know he is really stressed about everything.  There is so much out of our control, so many unknowns, and so many things to think about.  It will be especially hard on him if I have to quit work and go on bedrest.  So, fingers crossed, lets hope that doesn't happen ANY time soon. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Our sweet baby girl really needs to have a name other than "Uno" or "baby girl."  So, we have officially named her Priya Rose.  Priya is an Indian name that means "dear" or "beloved."  We have had this name picked out for a baby girl even before we were ever serious about starting a family.  Priya shares her middle name, Rose, with my mom.  

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Wow, I think I just outgrew my pajamas in  24 hours!  How scary is that.  I took a pic in my PJs just two nights ago, and then put them on last night to find that my belly isn't fitting in any more.  This exponentially growing belly needs to slow down!  I hope baby stops creating so much amniotic fluid and that it levels off.  A slow down in growth would be much appreciated as well.  That might not be the case, which is a scary thought, especially after the PJ incident last night.  Oh, the joys of BWS!  I guess the bright side of this is that it is "in season" to have a round, jolly belly this time of year.