I am SO THANKFUL every day for all the good (and there is lots of it) in my life. I have a loving and supportive family, a husband who is a wonderful, intelligent, kind human being, good friends (who I miss terribly BTW), health, a career I love (when I am doing it), a home to come back to, food (lots and good quality) in my kitchen, and my ever-so-sweet, strong and beautiful baby girl. Sure, we have had some rough spots in our journey with her and we will have some more coming up, but overall, she is healthy and thriving! She is AMAZING!
This week, another family in one of my support groups lost their sweet little girl. She was just a month younger than Priya. Her omphalocele was much larger and more complicated that Priya's, and her road has been difficult. Lots of large O babies do well like Priya, but some just have a tougher time, and Feighlyn had a really tough time. Her and her family have been going through one obstacle after another, and many of us have been going through the obstacles with them emotionally. The MOO group is a very tight-knit group, and we follow eachother's families throughout our little O-babies' lives.
I am so fortunate, so very fortunate. There is no rhyme or reason to why I got the beautiful Beckwith Wiedemann baby with a small O and this family got the beautiful large omphalocele baby with all the complications. It just is, and it's...hard...and sad.
The fact that we have technology to connect us to other people who can feel our joys over little things that other parents might very well take for granted and worries that other parents will probably never have to deal with is such a blessing. We can check in with one another, ask questions, share stories and anecdotes, and cry with one another. We can vent to people who understand when no one else can. We can let each other know when we will be in someone else's neck of the woods for a meetup. We can pray for or send someone supplies we no longer need to someone who does. It is awesome to have such a community with its connections. So much good comes from it, but also some heartache, and this week has been a heartache week.