Priya has started sitting up from lying down all by herself and starting making the sign for "milk." She is still working on staying on her hands and knees, but she doesn't seem to have much problem doing downward facing dog poses. You'd think hands and knees would be cake!
We saw her geneticist yesterday, who was the first person to make note of hemihypertrophy of her left face. I have questioned off and on (one eye has always been bigger than the other, but it was hard to tell for sure otherwise until her cheeks got chubbier), but it's hard to tell unless you are looking for it, and when you are LOOKING for it, you wonder how much is mommy paranoia. Now that the doctor has noted it, I can go back and look at her pictures from 5-6 months on and see in plainly. It is very mild and hopefully will not get worse or cause ANY problems whatsoever. She's such a beautiful little girl that I don't think anyone will ever get passed that enough to see her face is bigger on one side than the other. We see the geneticist for follow-up in six months.