Monday, September 24, 2012


Today, I heard Uno's heart beat.  It was kind of hard to really enjoy listening to it, because I was wondering the whole time if the doctor could already hear any evidence of an abnormality.  I figure it is probably unlikely this early, but if she did, she didn't say anything.  She said she wasn't sure when my labwork was going to come back for the MaterniT21 screening but hopes it will be this week.  She will call me when she gets it (after she talks to the high risk doctors).  I asked if I should still get an amnio if my results come back positive for T21, 18, or 13, and she gave me an emphatic, "YES!"  Apparently, 10-13 of her patients have had false positive tests, even though the test is supposed to be 99% accurate.  So, I am not sure how I am supposed to feel if the results do come back positive...if it might not be in the end.  Hopeful til the amnio, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. One day at a time Tanya. Stop imagining how it's gonna feel and just enjoy today. So yes, enjoy that heartbeat whether it makes you smile or belongs to your little one and that in itself is a miracle to be appreciated. Uno needs to know how much he/she is loved even in the womb. :) *hugs*
