I am looking forward to the weekend, as always, but I think I am looking more forward to a Monday for once, and that is because it's my amnio day. The idea of an amnio used to scare me a lot, but now I just want to get it done and over with in hopes it will give us some more info (or rule out info) on our little girl. I am also hoping the high-risk OB can give me their thoughts (hopefully not just bad ones) on her kidneys. From what I can tell so far, her head and heart are looking good, but I know it's still early. For me, the kidneys are the most worrisome right now, far more worrisome than her O. I am hopeful for now, because her kidneys are a normal size so far and her bladder and amniotic fluid look okay for now. I know things can change at any time--even after she is born as far as function goes, but I hope I am just a paranoid mom and that all my worry is for nothing.UPDATE: The high-risk OB doesn't seem to be worried about her kidneys for now. They really don't think anything is remarkable (other than her O) until she gets a little further along in gestational age. I was disappointed they didn't at least try to look at her anatomy (like the heart) in a more detailed fashion, but I guess they are right not to get ahead of themselves. Just because we can't see something at 16-17 weeks, doesn't mean we won't see something further along. And first thing is first, get amnio results and go from there.

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