I heard words I really did not want to hear today..."bedrest until delivery." I feel like I'm on house arrest or something, but worse, because I'm not even supposed to clean or exercise or do any of the nesting stuff. BLEH!
Despite the facts that baby girl was given steroids for lung development at 31 weeks when I went into preterm labor and is HUGE for her gestational age, my doctor wants me to stay pregnant as long as possible. We are almost at 36 weeks now (not very premature if she came tonight even), and there have been no changes in my cervix since we left the hospital at 31 weeks. So, in my head, I'm thinking she is going to keep baking until term at this point. This is good, because we won't have to worry about premie issues on top of everything else, but this FREAKS me out, because I'm thinking it is inevitable that I'll end up with a c-section, which I really wanted to avoid. Of course I don't want to be trying to delivery a possible 10 or 11+ pound baby any other route either, so... Who knows, maybe she won't get SO big...

She kept her tongue inside her mouth today, but her hair was floating all over the place! I can't wait to see her hair and put bows in it!
.As far as the amniotic fluid, it is definitely on the rise again, measuring above normal today (27 cm). I hope that stops or things are bound to get quite uncomfy for me again soon.
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