I think I need to recheck my elementary school education. I am pretty sure there are supposed to be 24 hours in a day, but I'm not sure about that anymore. Where does the time go? By the time I feed Priya, change her diaper and get her settled down (because she is pretty much only happy when snuggled up to mom), and pump, it seems like it's just a matter of minutes before she is up and we are doing it all over again. I am not getting much else accomplished. If it wasn't for an extremely supportive husband, I'm not sure anything would get accomplished in this house at all! I don't know how single moms do it, or how moms with dudd dads do it! I do tell myself a lot that I need to not worry about things like laundry, ironing, cooking, and cleaning because those things will always be there, and Priya won't always be this sweet little bundle of baby, BUT there is that certain nagging in the back of my head, though... I want to do it all!
Mike and I went out on date #2 last night. We wanted to go see an art exhibit of lights at a local botanical garden, but there was a private event, and we had to leave. So, we just went to dinner and grabbe

d some coffee to go. Priya slept all the way to and from our date. She woke up hungry as we pulled into the driveway. The car seat seems to knock that girl out! It is tempting to want to bring that into her bedroom at night, but I don't. ...but it's tempting...
I am not sure what Priya is weighing these days, but she must be growing, because she is just starting to be able to wear some clothes labeled 0-3M. This is sad but also fun for me, because I get to "play house" and rotate in some clothes she hasn't gotten to wear. It's like having a real live doll! My NB wardrobe was limited, because I thought I was going to have this HUGE BWS baby and didn't buy many NB sizes. But my 6-week BWS baby is so "HUGE" that most of the clothes I have had for her have been too big, so lots of rolled up sleeves and loose necks.
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