Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Next Wednesday, we have another ultrasound and consult with our high risk OB, and the following day we have consults with a slew of other doctors--a geneticist, pediatric surgeon, neonatologist, etc.--I can't remember all of them.

Currently, baby's O looks the same, her kidneys are still prominent overall (not as echogenic but starting to enlarge a bit with some reflux), her abdomen is measuring ahead of her dates, and I have polyhydramnios (excessive amniotic fluid, upper limits of normal is 24 cm; I have almost 30 cm at 21 weeks gestation), and she frequently appears to be wrapped up in her very long cord.  All of these things go with the BWS.  I would like to say I am handling this well, but I'm not.  If I am not focusing really hard on something else, I cry.  You'd think I'd run out of tears, but I don't. 


  1. Tanya, I am so, so sorry. Dan and I are praying for you and Michael. This is a hard time for you. Know that others are praying for you, that God will give you strength and peace through this time.
