I woke up feeling terrible this morning. I was very uncomfortable and not quite sure what was going on. While I was trying to figure out what might be up, I realized I hadn't felt baby girl kicking all morning, and morning is usually her busiest time. So, I went to work in tears fearing the worst only to peak in on a VERY busy baby girl who had just flipped back into breech position after being vertex for a while. So, I got much relief AND some cute pics and video of baby sucking her thumb (22w4d).
This afternoon, I had another ultrasound and fetal echo with my high-risk OB. By the time we got there, baby had decided to flip back into vertex position, and I started feeling the kicking better again. Baby girl is growing very big, and she is surrounded by a lot of fluid, making me look and feel like I am in my third trimester already. While her kidneys are prominent, the doctor says they are still within a normal range for now, so that made me feel much better. Her omphalocele is also getting smaller, which will make surgery easier. Things can change as she continues to grow, but for now the news is pretty good. Tomorrow, we have more doctor consults with the people who will be handling her after delivery.
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