While they were here, we dined at coffee shops and pubs and haciendas. We walked through a magical art exhibit (LIGHT by Bruce Munro) in a botanical garden. We shopped antiques, read in bookstores, and watched the sunset in a vineyard. We talked and snuggled and watch movies. It was a BUSY week! We will sure miss Grandma and Aunt Bobbi. I guess will just have to make a trip to see them in the fall.
Priya is growing up fast and all is well with her. Her G-tube is pretty much healed, which makes it much easier to take care of. The skin around her stoma looks great! We were feeding her on her side to help with coughing spells while eating, but she is already doing well with sitting a bit more upright again (speech therapist said to try from time to time as she seems to handle it). She is smiling a LOT and trying to talk to us, which melts our hearts. She is also getting better and holding objects! I love watching her learn to do new things! It is never boring with a little baby around.

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