If I had to give Priya a grade based on yesterday, I would give her an "A" for effort! She did great! Yesterday was a day of successes for her. In all of Priya's earlier medical notes, she was noted to be a "critically ill infant," but yesterday was the first day that the notes said she is "not a critically ill infant." If
that isn't improvement, I don't know what is! She did have another small ball movement, but it still had some meconium in it. Her abdomen is soft when the doctors feel it, and she is having bowel sounds, but they are still just really slow. The amount she received for her feeds was increased, so she is getting more overall nutrition from breast milk. She is being fed through a combination of milk through her NG tube and oral feeds. She took in 1 cc on Sunday orally, but progressed to 5 cc, 6 cc, and back to 3 cc yesterday while we were there. She wanted to sleep through the first two feeds and was fairly fussy that people were trying to wake her. She was far more interested in sleeping. Even thought she only took in 3 cc during her last feeding we saw, she was wide awake, completely relaxed, was going through the motions with no fuss at all.
That was improvement in and of itself! So, it seems like she is starting to relax with the bottle, which should help things along as the days continue. I've also noticed that with a full belly, she doesn't have as much need for the comfort of her pacifier, and she doesn't mind diaper changes or temperature checks. She seems much comfier and happier with a full belly, and I don't blame her!

Today, Priya's Aaji and Aaja are leaving. They are going to stop by the hospital this morning for a couple hours and leave from there. Aaji will come back for a week at the end of May or first week of June.
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