The NICU roller coaster continued yesterday, with really crummy morning and noon feedings with the speech therapist. Priya was just NOT interested, and she was only taking about 1 cc orally. The speech therapist said she was just having to work too hard to get the milk. One problem really does lead to another though. Firstly, her bowel is still sleepy after surgery, but the neonatologist assured me she is still in a normal range for recovery. Because her bowel is slow, she's not pooping, and because she's not pooping, her bilirubin is elevated again and she is jaundiced. Because her bilirubin is up, she is even more sleepy and lethargic for a baby, and because she is super sleepy, she has no interest in putting forth extra energy and effort into her feeding (which is already very difficult for her). So, that is how the morning went. It seemed that progress was at a standstill. The roller coaster got stuck, and we wanted off the bummer ride.
THEN, wonderful nurse Martha did the 3:00 pm feeding...and found a way to help Priya latch onto the nipple...and she drank SEVENTEEN WHOPPING CC's!! The roller coaster went roaring over a big bump and the parents hands went up in the air, and they screamed WHEE! WHOOPIE! OH, HAPPY DAY!!! THIS IS EXCITING!!!
I hope today is another good day for Priya, because today is a special day. She is TWO WEEKS old! Wow, time sure does fly! I can't believe that I (...moi...me...TANYA) have a two-week-old baby girl waiting for me this morning! WHOOPIE!!!
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