Wednesday, December 19, 2012


So, my Indomethacin doesn't seem to be doing a good enough job.  My fluid is still increasing; it is now 36 cm.  This probably explains why I am getting short of breath again and why I couldn't sleep last night.  I can't imagine what it would be if I wasn't on the medication, though.  I don't want to think about it, because I can only take it for another week.  After that, who knows how much fluid will start building up, so I may need an amniocentesis to drain some of the fluid if it starts affecting my breathing too much.  The doctors will be monitoring the fluid weekly.  

While my contractions seem to be less, I am still having too many, so the day after I stop taking the Indomethacin, I will start taking Procardia, which will hopefully help prevent preterm labor.  My cervix appears to be stable, so that is probably the best news.  

The doctors approved me to travel home to Montana for the holidays, so that is good.  I imagine the flight will be pretty uncomfy, so I am not looking forward to the traveling part of Christmas at all, but I am really looking forward to seeing my family.  


  1. Oh, Tanya, I keep following your blog. Thank you for writing. So happy you get to come home for the holidays. When are you going to be in Bozeman? We will be there starting Thursday, Dec 26. We would love to see you! Our phone number is: 971.983.9331. Call us!

  2. Oh, bummer, that is the day we are leaving. (:0/
