Monday, March 4, 2013


Priya Rose was born around 10:30 pm on 3/1/13.  She was born by vaginal birth, 7lb5oz, 19 1/2" long.  She is beautiful and tiny (to us) and sweet!  We are completely fascinated and smitten by her.

I have to admit, labor was rough.  It was back labor the whole time.  I held out without the epidural until just under 8 cm dilated and then lost all composure or ability to deal with the pain at all.  So, the blessed epidural was given.  They gave me just enough to take the edge off, but I still felt quite a bit and was able to aid in pushing and all that just fine.  Pushed for 1 1/2 hours and then the world became a much more beautiful and sweeter place with the appearance of our little Priya.  She was totally worth it.  

Priya was born with several BWS features.  Some we expected and some surprised us, even though they are commonly associated with BWS.  She was born in the 95% for her gestational age, slightly prominent tongue, ear creases and ear pits, hypoglycemia, patent ductus arteriosis, small atrial septal defect, 2-3 small apical muscular ventricular septal defects, polycythemia (elevated hematocrit, aka thick blood), and a fairly large cleft palate.  The doctors currently have her blood sugars controlled and are working to take care of her hematocrit.  Her omphalocele was repaired yesterday, and the surgery went great!  She handled it really well, and they gave her a belly button.  Her belly looks like a typical newborn's with an umbilical stump and all.  The heart defects are small, and we are told they are not worrisome.  They should eventually close on their own, but even if they don't, they are not the kind they will do anything for.  She should be fine to do normal things normal kids do.  We will just need to follow thewith the future.  We are not sure as to how her cleft palate will affect her yet, but it will need to eventually be repaired.  Her tongue causes her to sometimes labor a little harder to breath, but she seems to be able to figure it out pretty good.  Sometimes she has to be repositioned to help her out, but she has mostly been able to stay on her back.  So far, she has not needed a vent or any oxygen, but has been able to do all the breathing on her own. 

We haven't gotten to hold her a lot, but we have gotten to hold her some already, which was a really great surprise! This afternoon we get to change her diaper and do some more normal things like that.  Hopefully we get to hold her again too.

Priya is totally amazing!  I stare at her or her pics constantly.  We both love, love, love touching her warm, soft skin and her fuzzy little head.  She has tons of cute!  Can't wait to take her home and snuggle all the time!

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