Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I don't know WHAT was up with the crazy sleep study.  Priya's oxygen levels seem to be just fine no matter what position she is sleeping in.  She does have an occasional drops in her O2 saturation, but they are VERY rare (not even once a day) and only last a second.  She sleep restlessly and snores a lot and generally sounds terrible when she is sleeping sometimes, but her oxygen does not seem to correlate with the findings of the sleep study.  I definitely think we need a redo.

Priya seems to be doing well.  She is growing--oh my, is she growing!  She loves to eat, that girl!  Avocados are the only thing she doesn't seem to be super-fond of.  She scarfs everything else down, including any kind of medicine I have to give her.

New things she is doing include reaching for us or for whatever she wants to have, including food on the table.  When my sweet little girl reaches for ME...melt, melt, melt!  She is also rolling from her back to tummy more, which is great, because she still isn't a huge fan of laying on her tummy.  Pat-a-cake makes me laugh now, because I will go through the motions with her hands and then sometimes just have her watch me.  When I tell her it's her turn, she will take my hands and make me do it again.  Soooo CUTE!

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