Thursday, February 7, 2013


We will be 33 weeks on Saturday!  Amniotic fluid levels are high normal now, so that is an improvement.  Blood sugars are under control with diet and a little medication in the evenings.  Procardia was upped after my hospital stay, so contractions are more sporadic, but do last twice as long when I have them.  I think the sporadic part is actually a good thing.  No new news other than that.  The nurse practitioner did tell me when I asked, that I am not allowed any extra excursions like pedicures or hanging out on other peoples' couches, so I am strictly banished to the house and doctor's appointments.  I thought those were rational requests since I'd still be off my feet and resting, but I guess I'll have to wait til we get a little closer to 36 weeks.  That is only 3 weeks away, so I suppose I can handle it.  When I was younger, mom used to tell me to do myself up even when I was sick, because if you look better you feel a little better too.  So, even though I am home all day, I have been getting up and getting dressed and doing hair and makeup so I don't feel like such a lump.  Mike also suggested I make myself lists of things to do (like write a letter, prepare tax papers, do a CEU for work, read a chapter, etc.) so I can check things off and feel like I am accomplishing something.  I do think it all helps.

I miss being able to peak in on Priya at work.  Other than profile pics at the OB's office, I guess I will have to wait to see her face again until she is born like everyone else.

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