Thursday, February 21, 2013


So, I figured I better update from yesterday.  I kind of went off track after seeing Priya's macroglossia, because it was a reminder that we really don't know what to expect for her (healthwise) as her life unfolds, especially early on.  There can be a pretty wide spectrum of issues when dealing with BWS, but fortunately many don't show up a lot of the time, and the outcome looks pretty great once these kids reach adolescence.  So, pity party is over.  Today is a new day.  No sense in worrying about what might happen with Priya's syndrome in the future, because things might not be too bad for her, and we won't know until life unfolds day by day.  Worry isn't helpful, nor does it prevent bad things from happening.  It just saps the joy out of the good days.  And the good in today is that our baby girl is still baking along as she should be, and that is really good considering we were in the hospital for preterm labor just 3 weeks ago.

Another good thing that happened this week is that I met with an AMAZING pediatrician!  My boss, who I consider to be a very intelligent and competent physician herself, gave me his name.  Her daughter uses him, as well as several other radiologists and a fellow sonographer.  I figure if other doctors like him, he must be pretty good.  Well, he IS really good!  He is brilliant, in my opinion, and is surprisingly on top of the game when it comes to his knowledge about BWS.  He pretty much seemed to know everything the specialists knew when I sat down with him, which is pretty great for something that is rare (I gave him no prior medical history before sitting down with him).  He was also very personable and comfortable to talk to, and he said we are just going to treat Priya like a normal child (because she is) that has some extra medical concerns she has to deal with. I couldn't have been happier leaving his office, and I have full confidence that Priya will be in good hands.  So far, I feel that we are surrounded by the best group of medical professionals possible to take care of her.  I feel so fortunate to have these people on our team! 

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