Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I am feeling kind of bummed after my doctor's appointment today, and today is the first time in a long while that I've had a good cry about Priya's BWS.  It's not that I didn't know it was coming, but today was the first time I started seeing evidence of macroglossia (enlarged tongue) on ultrasound. It was just a reality check that she does have a syndrome, and we don't know what organ systems will be affected and to what extent.  As far as her tongue, she may end up with only slight macroglossia, but it could be severe before all is said and done, and I just hate the thought that she may eventually have to have a tongue reduction surgery so that her tongue won't affect her breathing, feeding, drooling, and speaking.  Not to mention, it does cause a more syndromey appearance.  It's just a bummer.  My OB was trying to be positive about it last week and mentioned how great it was there were no signs of it yet.  I told him, yeah, but I know that it's just a matter of time, since 97.5% of children with BWS have macroglossia.  He said, yes, but he usually has already seen evidence of it by 33 weeks. Everything that I've read on it, though, says that it starts showing up closer to the actual due date and can really start growing right after birth.  So, even though I knew to expect it...I was still in a hopeful denial that was rudely interrupted by reality today.  DANG IT, BWS!!!

Other than that, my amniotic fluid has taken a slight upward trend again, but nothing too significant.  Hopefully it just bounces up and down a few cm each week and does not continue to rise.  Today it was just at the uppermost limit of normal before being considered above normal.  Not too bad, considering where it used to be.

Also not the end of the world, but it did bum me out a little is that my doctor will keep me on bed rest until AT LEAST 37 weeks.  Usually it is 36 weeks, but they will be more cautious with Priya because she will have to have surgery when she is born.  The longer she bakes and the bigger she gets, the better it will be for surgery.  SO, it's totally worth it, but it just wasn't what I was expecting to hear today, so it threw me for a loop.  I had a little pity party for myself and reset my expectations.

GOOD NEWS is Priya is always moving and breathing great during her scans, her O is teeny tiny, and it shouldn't be too terribly long before we finally get to meet this little bundle of sweetness.  I hope she is the healthiest little girl she can possibly be and that we can take her home soon after she is born.  

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