Monday, October 15, 2012


I had my amnio today.  It really wasn't a big deal.  No numbing or anything, just one stick.  The initial entry felt like getting blood drawn, then a quick jab through the uterus (doing it quick helps to make sure the amnion and chorion stay fused) felt like a menstrual cramp, nothing intolerable.  It was more scary anticipating it than painful.

Also, the doctor is finally convinced it is an omphalocele that our little girl is sporting,'s official.


  1. Ouch. I can't imagine. Prayers

  2. No, the amnio really wasn't bad. The fact that we even need to go through all this is what's bad. The not knowing what to expect no matter how many tests we do...that is the bad part. Also, I think the set of bills we are going get will be more painful than the needle stick. Now THAT will be an ouch.
