Monday, April 8, 2013


Some things I've learned in my first 5 weeks of motherhood so far...

1.  You can handle more than you think you can, and it's usually not as bad as you thought it would be...even when it IS actually worse than you thought it would be (does that make sense?).  Basically, you can handle it, and it's totally worth it when your kid is involved.

2.  Don't use a flat iron on your hair AFTER you've changed projectile-poopy diapers...  NOT a good smell.

3.  Two days in the hospital for preterm labor, $8000+. Two days for delivery, $11,000+... One month in NICU and two surgeries, WHO KNOWS?! A baby sleeping comfortably and peacefully in your lap, PRICELESS!

4.  Be sure to have a better grip on your smartphone when hovering over baby's head taking pics.  Baby's don't like to be woken up that way.

5.  I finally learned how to be a TRUE defensive driver.  It really helps having a baby in the back seat.

...OOPS!  Little one is stirring...  

6.  Some things can wait, some things can't.  When you have a baby, you will learn real quick which is which...

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